TC Cooper Biographies

Biography: Option 1

As an executive coach and corporate attorney with expertise in intellectual property, TC Cooper specializes in executive presence, optimal performance, values alignment in business, and the innovative use of social marketing and personal branding in the age of artificial intelligence. She is also passionate about coaching leaders to maximize the power of meditation and journaling to increase their impact and influence.

Through UpwardAction® Advisory, TC provides leadership and business development On-Demand content for companies and executive coaching services for lawyers, mid-level managers, senior leaders, and entrepreneurs doing business online.

Through FaithFocusFlow® Global, She supports leaders in building Christ-centered businesses and teams through On-Demand training and personal executive coaching. 

TC Cooper is also the author of several Amazon Best Selling books and daily planners for leaders. 

At the foundation of her career, TC Cooper’s academic achievements include graduating from Columbia Law School, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, and from Hampton University, where she was a proud member of the Freddye T. Davey Honors College. These educational experiences have contributed to her depth of knowledge, strategic insight, and the impactful coaching philosophy she embodies today.

Biography: Option 2

TC Cooper (aka “Coach TC”) is a visionary business leader with over two decades of experience as a privacy and intellectual property attorney, successful business owner, and certified personal executive coach. She is passionate about integrating values-centered practices in all industries and founded FaithFocusFlow® Global to help ethical business owners and leaders achieve sustainable, significant, and meaningful success.

TC is also a certified personal executive coach and an accomplished online business development strategist. She leverages her extensive knowledge and skills to guide others toward realizing their full potential by increasing their impact, influence, and income through online revenue streams.

TC is also the author of several Amazon best selling books, daily planners and journals for leaders. 

Quotable Quotes

“In the symphony of success, faith is the melody, focus is the rhythm, and flow is the harmony. Play them in unison, and transform the world around you. ~ Coach TC”


“Harness the power of faith to believe in the unseen, focus to turn vision into reality, and flow to adapt with agility. This is the essence of mindful leadership. ~ Coach TC

Let faith be your foundation, focus your compass, and flow your momentum. Together, they create a force strong enough to transform any environment. ~ Coach TC